Here at Sporting Influence we have set ourselves a New Years resolution to be more visible in the community. Attending local events, raising money for charity and running community based events as well as our normal school clubs.
We have already managed to tick a couple of these off our list!!
Run community based events ✅
Sporting Influence have started our very own Girls Football Training. This training has been put together to give the girls of Harrogate and surrounding areas, the chance to play football and develop/refine their skills, just as much as the boys. Three weeks in the girls are all loving the training. During these session the girls will develop their tactical awareness and learn basic skills of football but more importantly, socialise with other like minded girls from various schools across the region. If you are interested in finding out more about these sessions click on the "More Info" link below, or if you would like to book onto these sessions click "Book Now"
Raise money for charity ✅
Sporting Influence will be raising money for charity at least once if not twice a year. We have chosen our first event to be the Resolution Run (Temple Newsam, 24th March 2019). We have now set up our own just giving page to raise money for the event and we thank everyone in advance for any money donated no matter how large or small.
To donate to Sporting Influence please follow the link below
However, we don't expect you to donate. What we are asking is that you join us on the run and raise money for yourself. What better way to make 2019 your year than to kickstart the activity, get the running shoes out and raise money for a good cause.
If you would like to join us on our run/walk (5k/10k/15k) please visit our contact page via the link below and express your interest!
We look forward to seeing you and cannot wait to get started!